Is It Safe To Give Dogs Peanut Butter?

clear glass jar with brown liquid

In the event of a need, it can be an extremely helpful tool for you working alongside your pet. From concealing medications to reducing boredom while frozen in the form of Kong toys, peanut butter is a great thing to keep around. A small amount of peanut butter placed on a horizontal surface can make it easier for dogs to remain still while grooming their nails. grooming them! In this post, we’ll look into the question of whether peanut butter is suitable for dogs, and what to think about prior to reaching for the container.

In the end, peanuts and peanut butter are completely pet-safe. In fact, most nuts are safe. Macadamia nuts can’t be eaten by dogs however hazelnut butter and almond butter are safe. The issue arises in the event that other substances are added, like choco (no Nutella!) or xylitol.

The Dangers of Xylitol

Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, is commonly employed in low-calorie or diet peanut butter. Xylitol sweetens food without adding sugar-based calories. It is completely safe for humans, however, it is extremely harmful to dogs. In the event of consumption, xylitol may cause life-threatening hypoglycemia which is a condition that causes lower blood sugar. It can occur within hours of consumption. Additionally, xylitol poisoning can cause liver damage in the span of a few days and if not treated, could result in death in dogs.

How Much Peanut Butter Can a Dog Eat?

Another concern about peanut butter could be the number of calories per serving. A typical serving of peanut butter weighs only 2 tablespoons, and it packs an incredible 191 calories! The issue of obesity is a major issue for our pets and can be seen in being the American Veterinary Medical Association estimating approximately 57 percent of US pets are overweight ( If you think about the fact that a 30-pound dog requires between 300 and 500 calories daily, the 190 calories from peanut butter is a significant portion of the caloric requirements.

Obesity is linked to many complications, such as osteoarthritis, hormonal diseases, and premature death. Maintaining your dog’s weight is perhaps the single essential option you can take to ensure they are healthy and fit, in addition to regular exercise and eating a nutritious diet that is of the highest quality.

Alternatives to Peanut Butter

In order to fight boredom, using canned frozen food that is smeared with a Kong toy, or perhaps chicken broth that is frozen inside the Kong toy is a lower calorie snack than the unhealthy peanut butter. Also, freezing canned watered-down meals into cubes of ice is healthier for your waistline. Be aware that boredom can be slowed down by using non-food things. Puzzles or toys, as well as plenty of exercise outside are better methods of keeping boredom at low levels.

Alternatives to Using Peanut Butter to Help Your Dog Take Medicine

If you are trying to conceal tablets and pills There are plenty of options other than peanut butter for hiding. Pill Pockets or similar soft snacks are designed to cover pills, making them easier to take in. Mini marshmallows can also be used! You just need to poke a hole into the top and then put in the medication. A tiny spoonful of canned food will make the medication easier to swallow and have less energy than peanut butter.

What to Avoid in Peanut Butter for Your Dog

The next time you go to the store for peanut butter, you must look over the labels to make sure there’s no xylitol before you hand it over to your pet. Beware of peanut butter brands that have terms like “low fat” or “diet on the label since these types of brands are more likely to contain harmful sweeteners made from xylitol. Also, think about calories! In the event that your dog is overweight or has one of the breeds that are predisposed to obesity, consuming peanut butter to their diet as a routine treat could cause Fido to get heavier.

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