7 Puppy Training Tips To Make You A Master Trainer

labrador, dog, retriever

Follow These Tips to Successfully Train Your New Puppy

Sit. Stay. Lie down. Come. Good puppy! What’s the key to training your new puppy to ensure that they are able to master these essential signals? Two words: positive reinforcement.

Puppies, like us, are more interested in learning if teachers make the lessons exciting and enjoyable. Therefore, leave with the word “no” and in with the word “yes.” Accentuate the positive aspect of teaching your puppy. Most importantly, your dog’s classes should begin at the beginning of each day.

Learn more about tips for preparing for the arrival of your new pet using this guide. Pets Best New Dog Owner’s guide.

A proper manner of doggy behavior is easily accessible. Start by learning the proper manners. Use food lures to motivate your dog and follow through with hand signals. Your dog and you will be successful in mastering the fundamental signals if you pay attention to these methods of training:

1. Attention There are puppies who be easily distracted. The only way to ensure that your pup is able to follow the rules of your training is to be able to focus on him completely. Therefore, before you start any type of training, choose the right place and period of time that keeps distractions to the minimum. When you’re ready, you can say your dog’s name, and then wait for him to look up to align with yours. Make sure to clap your hands or blow a whistle if you must, but ensure that the dog is watching the other dog and is waiting on your signal to know what’s next.

2. Be an example and not a bully. There is no need to shout or discipline your dog’s young pup. You can earn his complete trust by being a successful teacher that utilizes positive reinforcement methods. Reward your puppy’s good behavior and overlook his mistakes in lessons. Dogs learn through associations and are more likely to repeat an act if they are rewarded by you in a positive way.

3. “Give me a “C” for consistency. Choose the physical and verbal signals you would like to use for the essential canine commands that include “sit,” “lie down,” “stay,” and “come.” And then make sure you stick to them. If you say, “stay” in one training session, and then “don’t move” in the following one, you’ll create confusion in your dog. If you’re consistent with your commands, your puppy will eventually learn to understand.

4. Make sure you speak in a manner that is appropriate. If you are teaching your puppy the fundamental commands, ensure your voice is pleasant confident, positive and encouraging. If you display anger or anger, those feelings can hinder your dog to understand.

5. Use small snacks. The time of training should be enjoyable for your puppy, and that’s why you can use treats very well. But, make sure that the bites are small enough to let him chew on and then swallow. Keep his attention on you by offering smaller treats instead of getting distracted by eating the entire amount.

6. Keep lessons brief. Children tend to be more successful when they are taught in short training sessions of shorter than 10 minutes. These short training sessions can also be better for you because they can easily fit into your hectic schedule. You can, for instance, fit in a brief instruction before heading out to work or once you return home from an exhausting day.

7. Think of Las Vegas, baby! Slot machines don’t provide the same amount of money with each pull at the handles. If you ever played with a slot machine and it returned exactly what you put into it and you quickly became bored and quit playing. People who gamble are drawn to slot machines because of the possibility of winning an enormous jackpot. Psychologists refer to this as “intermittent reinforcement.” Apply this concept to train your puppy. Once you’ve taught your basics to your dog, encourage compliance by giving him treats on a regular basis. Keep your dog guessing the time he’ll get rewarded – – and what amount that he’ll strive harder to win that delicious “jackpot.”

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